Defence minister Rajnath Singh on Friday will take a maiden sea sortie in a submarine after inspecting Asia's largest naval base in Karwar, Karnataka.

Singh reached the naval base on Thursday to review the progress of infrastructure upgrade under 'Project Seabird'. He will be interacting with senior officials of the Navy during the dinner, said Defence Ministry sources.

Ministry sources said Singh has been on board fighter and surveillance aircraft, and a ship but it’s for the first time that he would get into a submarine for a sea sortie. Another ministry source said he can’t recall an instance where a previous defence minister would have taken a submarine ride though some of them, including former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, have launched them to sail under the sea.

This is the Defence Minister’s second visit to Karwar naval base in less than a year to review infrastructure development given its importance to beef up the operational readiness of the armed forces. The naval base will also augment trade, economy and humanitarian aid operations.

In his June 24, 2021 official tour of the naval base, Singh, along with top brass of the Indian Navy, had taken an aerial survey of the project areas and sites. Among the sites inspected was also naval harbour, marine works and other infra developments as part of the project Seabird Phase II. It also incorporates housing for sailors.