Despite the mindless violence she went through, the 23-year-old rape victim is psychologically “composed and optimistic” about her future and has started communicating, with doctors saying that her health condition is better than yesterday.

Doctors at Sadfdarjung Hospital, where the paramedic student was rushed after she was gang-raped and attacked brutally on Sunday last, said she is breathing on her own without the support of ventilator and most of her vital parameters are normal.

“She is doing much better than yesterday. She took sips of water and apple juice today. The white blood cells count today is 2,600 against yesterday’s 1,500,” Dr B.D. Athani, Medical Superintendent of the hospital, told reporters here.

On the contrary, her platelet count has gone down while the level of bilirubin, the yellow breakdown product of normal heme catabolism, has increased to 5.9 from yesterday’s 5.1, which is a cause for concern as it could affect the functioning of liver.

Total lymphocyte count has come down which means there are chances of infection in her body, doctors said, adding that she has started communicating.

Athani said the patient would be administered four platelet-rich plasma today and noted that super specialists are charting out the management course.

For the first time since she underwent the trauma on Sunday inside a moving bus, the victim was brought face-to-face with psychiatrists for her psychological assessment.

“According to the preliminary investigation, she is composed psychologically. We followed a respectable and dignified approach. Though it is too early to say, right now the girl is extraordinarily stable, optimistic and have good future,” Dr Kuldeep Kumar, a psychiatrist at the hospital, said.

His colleague, Dr Abhilasha Yadav, seemed to echo his views saying the girl is “very brave, positive and optimistic’’.

“I think even her biological functioning is normal. She is totally balanced and composed,” she responded when asked about her opinion about the girl.

Doctors also said they are keeping the patient on high dose of antibiotics and high standards of hygiene —— two important factors for preventing infection.