Padma Shri Ravi Kumar Narra has been elected as National President of the 15 year old industry chamber Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI).

DICCI promotes business leadership amongst SC-ST communities.

In a communication by the DICCI Secretariat, it was informed that Ravi Kumar Narra was elected to the position in the 3rd DICCI National Council Meeting held in Chennai on Tuesday. Ravi Kumar who was until now the National Working President shall take charge of the chamber as a full pledged National President.

DICCI national council also elected two Vice Presidents, Raja Nayak from Karnataka and Sanjiv Dangi from Rajasthan. Several other national office bearers were also announced.

Born in slums and a son of a daily wage mason, Ravi Kumar comes a long way to lead a 10,000+ member industry chamber, DICCI that promotes business entrepreneurship for Dalits.

DICCI has played a pivotal role in creation of a New Public Procurement Policy of the Government, which mandates 4 per cent procurement by all Central Ministries/Departments/PSUs from SC-ST Entrepreneurs. This has created enormous opportunities to Dalit entrepreneurs.

Ravi is the second in command of the Pune headquartered Indian global body for 10,000+ strong Dalit entrepreneurs. Spread over 29 state chapters and 7 international chapters, it is a name to reckon in Indian industry today.