For children born in the late 1980s, there is one show that’s etched in their memories – Flop Show – much like Star Wars was for the youngsters of the 70s. And the man behind the sitcom — the ‘misdirector’ Jaspal Bhatti — was another member of the family.

His death due to a road accident late on Wednesday night means that Indian television’s ‘king of satire’ will no longer ‘misdirect’ any more. However, he has left the world with Power Cut – a movie based on the dismal power situation in Punjab – set for release on Friday.

It took a man of extraordinary wit and intelligence to make such a popular “Flop” Show. And there will not be another such.

Not many of us, as children, understood the sense behind the nonsense. Yet, every one in the family laughed together.

Its popularity can be judged by the fact that Doordarshan still continues to show re-runs and re-re-runs of the sitcom, revealing new flavours and humour, depending on one’s increased understanding of current affairs.

The friendly Sardarji-next-door changed the meaning of comedy for Indian television with his short, few-episodes-long serials, such as Flop Show , Ulta Pulta and Nonsense Private Ltd , that typically dealt with the problems of the common man. His satires and spoofs ridiculing the social fabric tickled many a ribs and exposed the hollow face of the society. Telephone connection issues, corruption, medical callousness and the status of research students were never funnier.

An electrical engineer by education, Bhatti also started an academy of humour – a training school and studio near Chandigarh – called Joke Factory.
