Seeking to defend his colleague, the Union Steel Minister, Beni Prasad Verma today put his foot in his mouth saying a man like Salman Khurshid will not do any wrong for Rs 71 lakh, which is a “very small amount” for a central minister.

“Salman Khursid is a responsible person. He is a central minister. He was a central minister earlier as well. When he is saying there is no scam, he should be believed...I don’t think a person like Khurshid will do anything for an amount like Rs 71 lakh. It is a very small amount for a central minister,” he said here.

Verma was commenting on the alleged misappropriation of funds by a trust run by Khurshid and his wife. In a press conference yesterday, Khurshid had rejected the allegation and had offered himself to any probe.

“If it would have been Rs 71 crore, even I would have been serious,” Verma said adding Khurshid should not resign from his current position.

Verma trained his guns on the activist-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal who has been demanding the resignation of Khurshid on the issue.

“Kejriwal is going to launch a party. I have all the best wishes for him. India has a multi-party system and one more will come. It’s good. But, I have a piece of advice for him: Don’t bark day in day out, try sometimes to roar like a tiger. Those who always bark are of no value,” Verma said.