Russia is willing to support the positive tendency in military and technical cooperation with India.

Alexander Potapov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, addressing reporters said, the technology transfer cooperation with India can support the positive tendency in the development of military and technical cooperation with India.

"Our cooperation with India has a long-standing history, and recently we have started to transfer technologies to the country for military hardware licensed production and new samples joint development,” noted Potapov, having arrived at the International Aerospace Exhibition Aero India - 2015.

The Deputy Minister said that he is ready to discuss these issues during the meeting with the Defence Minister, and expressed confidence in “supporting a positive tendency” in the development of technological cooperation between the countries.

More than 30 Russian companies are participating in the International Aerospace Exhibition Aero India. They will demonstrate up-to-date aircraft and air defence systems as well as military hardware modernisation programs, and will discuss projects for joint production of armaments and military hardware.

In Bangalore, “Rosoboronexport” represents information on PAAMC“Igla-S”,anti aircraft missile complex“Tor-M2KM” based on Tata chassis of the Indian production, AAMGS “Pantsyr-C1” and AAMGS “Tunguska-M1”.

These complexes are presented in five different tenders of the Ministry of Defence and have every prospect of success.

A lot of attention is also paid to the modernisation program of AAMS C-125 that is in service of the Indian army. The weapon can be upgraded to the level of “Pechora-2M”. The exhibition is expected to have a positive impact on the Russian air defense systems promotion in Indian market.