Sandeep Goyal of Mogae Media has picked up 10 per cent equity in ad-tech platform Sync Media.

The deal has been closed at a pre-money valuation of $3 million. Goyal’s daughter, Carol, will join the Board of Sync Media.

Sync Media was promoted last year by media professional Anubhav Sharma and Vikas Saxena, ex-CEO of Nimbuzz and founder of Samgavi is also an early investor in the company.

Sync is an ad-first technology platform measuring, segmenting and offering targeted audiences to brands synching mainstream media with mobile.

It uses advanced, always on, acoustic fingerprinting technology to real-time indexing of every program and ad-airing across over 300 broadcast and cable network feeds to identify the right timing and the right environment for the placement of a brand advertisement.

“The synching of television and mobile is an area that excites all brands and digital planners. It gives both enhanced relevance and enhanced conversion to brand campaigns. From my very many years of evangelizing the mobile as an advertising medium, I think Sync Media will be at the forefront of technology in the days to come. Mine is an investment in not just the platform but in the innovativeness of its promoters”, says Sandeep Goyal, who is a former joint venture partner of Dentsu in India, and ex-Group CEO of Zee Telefilms.

Anubhav Sharma, Managing Partner, Sync Media, said: “We are already working with all the large digital and media agencies in India. We see great potential for our offering with clients who want offline audiences to be linked to mainline media”.