Researchers, including those from the University of Nottingham in the UK, have found an antiviral drug that is highly effective against the novel coronavirus.

The researchers of the study believe that the administration of the drug — thapsigargin — will help in mitigating future outbreaks.

They stated in their study that the plant-derived antiviral, in small doses, stimulates a highly effective host-centred antiviral innate immune response against three major types of human respiratory viruses. This includes Covid-19.

According to the study, an antiviral of this type could potentially be made available for community use to control active infection and its spread.

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The researchers mentioned that thapsigargin is a promising antiviral as it is effective against viral infection when used before or even during active infection.

The drug is also able to prevent a virus from making new copies of itself in cells for at least 48 hours after a single 30-minute exposure, the researchers stated.

Significant findings

They further noted that thapsigargin is stable in acidic pH, as found in the stomach, and therefore can be taken orally.

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This drug could be administered without the need for injections or hospital admission.

It is not sensitive to virus resistance and is at least several hundred-fold more effective than current antiviral options, according to the study.

Professor Kin-Chow Chang from the University of Nottingham said: “Whilst we are still at the early stages of research into this antiviral and its impact on how viruses such as Covid-19 can be treated, these findings are hugely significant.”

Chang added: “Given that future pandemics are likely to be of animal origin, where animal to human (zoonotic) and reverse zoonotic (human to animal) spread take place, a new generation of antivirals, such as thapsigargin, could play a key role in the control and treatment of important viral infections in both humans and animals.”

The findings of the study were published in the journal Viruses .