BCIL seeks partner to commercialise typhoid vaccine 

Bilqeesa Bhat Updated - January 30, 2020 at 07:49 PM.

TheDepartment of Biotechnology’s Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) islooking for an industrial partnerfor commercialization of a technology for producing a Bivalent Outer MembraneVesicles (OMV) vaccine against typhoid. Typhoid fever usually occurs in children aged between 5–15years.


Typhoid is a bacterial infection and twostrains of the bacteria -- Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A areprime cause for the infection in south-central and south-east Asia.Salmonella Paratyphi A has beenresponsible for escalating illness cases reported across Asia.However, at present, there are no vaccines available against it commercially. The new vaccine overcomes this problem.


The vaccine contains what are called outer membrane vesicles ofboth the Salmonella strains in equal proportion and thus can be effectiveagainst both of them. Further, the technology does not involve use of proteins,excipients (stabilizing substance) or any antibiotics. It has 80-100% potentialto invoke body’s response (immunogenicity), and is much safer for use. 


Proof of concept for this technology has been established bydemonstrating the efficacy of vaccine in animal model (mice). In-house validationhas also been completed. Further, the technology offers a simple method topurify outer membrane vesicles. A patent has been filed for the invention.

(India Science Wire)

Twitterhandle: @BilqeesaBhat



Published on January 30, 2020 14:19