Brazil has halted late-stage clinical trials on a Covid-19 vaccine candidate from Chinese company Sinovac Biotech, following a serious adverse event, according to reports from the country.

The Brazilian regulator, Anvisa, said in a statement it had “ruled to interrupt the clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine after a serious adverse incident” on October 29, a report from Rio De Janeiro said, without giving details.

Political battle

The report further pointed out that the public health centre coordinating these trials in Brazil was “surprised” by the decision, as it was investigating the detail. The vaccine was in the thick of a political “battle”, the report said, as it was supported by a Governor who was opposed to Brazil’s President.

The report comes even as American company Pfizer was upbeat after its Covid-19 vaccine candidate showed 90 per cent efficacy in late-stage trials, according to an interim analysis.

Covid vaccine is 90% effective: Pfizer

It is normal practice to “pause” vaccine trials due to adverse events, and similar action has been seen from the Astra Zeneca- Oxford University combine and Johnson and Johnson. However, Brazil had not halted the AZ-Oxford vaccine trial, after a volunteer death had been reported.