Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London are conducting trials to test whether the intake of Vitamin D can help in fighting the novel coronavirus and other diseases, BBC reported.

The researchers are currently enrolling people to participate in the trials.

The report stated that the participants will be asked to take Vitamin D pills for six months if a “finger-prick test” shows they have a sunshine vitamin deficiency.

The researchers aim to boost immunity, especially during the months of winter as the level of Vitamin D goes down in colder areas.

Higher doses

The researchers maintained that people participating in the trial will be given higher doses of vitamin D than regular supplements.

Vitamin D deficiency could elevate risk of Covid-19: Study

Principal investigator David Jolliffe was quoted as saying in the BBC report: “The trial ‘has the potential to give a definitive answer’ to the question of whether vitamin D offers protection against Covid.”

Vitamin D supplements can decrease Covid-19 ICU admission rate: Study

“Vitamin D supplements are low in cost, low in risk, and widely accessible. If proven effective, they could significantly aid in our global fight against the virus,” Jolliffe added.

The report suggested that Vitamin D deficiency is more common in elderly people, among those who are overweight, and in black and Asian people. Earlier studies claimed that these groups are at high risk of catching the Covid-19 infection and bear severe outcomes.