Bharat Biotech’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate, Covaxin, has shown `robus’ results in Phase I trials, says a study shared on a public platform before peer review.

According to the research paper, ‘A Phase 1: Safety and Immunogenicity Trial of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine’, the results have been ‘promising’.

“Reactogenicity was absent in the majority of participants, with mild events. The majority of adverse events were mild and were resolved. One serious adverse event was found to be unrelated to vaccination,’’ the paper said.

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All three vaccine formulations resulted in robust immune responses comparable to a panel of convalescent serum, the study said.

The vaccine candidate induced binding and neutralising antibody responses, it added.

Covaxin is now undergoing Phase-III trials. It is India’s first indigenous Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech in association with Indian Council of Medical research.