A coronavirus vaccine that is being developed by Australian researchers showed no side effects in all human trials conducted so far, as per the media reports.

The trials of the vaccine have been conducted on 120 Brisbane volunteers and even in the hamsters in the Netherlands.

The research led by Associate Professor Keith Chappell stated that the animal trials conducted in Europe had proven to be a success.

Chappell said as quoted in the Daily Mail report: “The neutralising immune response created by our molecular clamp vaccine in animal models was better than the average level of antibodies found in patients who have recovered from Covid-19.”

He informed that the hamsters were vaccinated with Seqirus MF59® adjuvant which had reduced lung inflammation after exposure to SARS-CoV-2.

He also mentioned that there had been no side effects reported on the human trial element taking place in Brisbane.

The trial in Brisbane is one of the 17 human trials for a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 which has caused a pandemic. Other trials are happening in the US, the UK and China.

According to worldometers report, there have been 25,204 Covid-19 cases in Australia so far, with 549 deaths.