A nano foundry that could help fabricate critical components and materials and spur research is being contemplated by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Efforts are on to also launch a nano mission programme with the involvement of the industry and academia in the near future. Towards this end, the body is organising a workshop on ‘nano technology for defence applications’ in the national capital on October 1.

The same day, Defence Minister A.K. Antony will present the annual DRDO awards to scientists from various laboratories who have done outstanding work.

One of the focus areas of the workshop will be nano-bio- info technology interface, which is a growing field with tremendous potential. The Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister, V.K. Saraswat and Shekhar Bhansali, Alcatel-Lucent Professor and Chair, Dept of Computer Engineering, Florida International University will address the participants.

Three technical sessions devoted to nano materials for structural applications, nano sensors and electronics and bio-medical applications-nano toxicity will the highlight, according to a DRDO release.

DRDO has initiated research and development in nano science and technology and more than a dozen of its laboratories already have programmes. These could be integrated into the national mission being contemplated.
