Ensure fair and regulated access to Covid vaccine in initial stage, say experts

Prashasti Awasthi Updated - December 06, 2021 at 10:03 AM.

Stress recording all vaccinations and evaluating adverse events too at the same time

Researchers and epidemiologists have written a position paper on the effective administration of the coronavirus vaccine in accordance with the priorities. They believe that in all likelihood, there will not be sufficient doses for people during the first phase of the inoculation.

The researchers presented medical-epidemiological aspects of infection prevention alongside ethical, legal, and practical considerations. On this basis, the authors develop a framework for action for the initial prioritisation of vaccination measures against Covid-19.

The experts believe that decisive results on the characteristics of the vaccines from the ongoing clinical trials (phase 3) are not yet available. Consequently, a detailed recommendation by STIKO concerning priority groups for vaccination is still not possible at the present time. STIKO is a Standard Operating Procedure of the German Standing Committee on Vaccinations.

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Four strategies for vaccination goals

The researchers mentioned four strategies to be incorporated in vaccination goals. These are: prevention of severe courses of Covid-19 (hospitalisation) and deaths; protection of persons with an especially high work-related risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (occupational indication); prevention of transmission and protection in environments with a high proportion of vulnerable individuals and in those with a high outbreak potential; maintenance of essential state functions and public life.

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The researchers noted that the vaccination drive requires suitable new structures. In principle, informed, voluntary consent is required for vaccination.

Experts are of the view that a self-determined decision about vaccination depends on transparent information and education of the population regarding both the efficacy of vaccination and the associated risks.

In order to identify and minimise vaccination risks at an early stage, the timely nationwide recording of all vaccinations and an evaluation of adverse events must be established in parallel to vaccination, the researchers wrote.

To this end, the authors urged the health administrations to do a product-based recording of Covid-19 vaccinations in a central database, also for the purpose of exactly determining vaccination coverage rates.

The findings of the paper were published in the journal EurekAlert!

Published on November 10, 2020 07:07