India’s latest communication satellite GSAT-10 is slated to be launched from Kourou in French Guiana on September 22.

The satellite will be launched by European space consortium Arianespace’s Ariane-5 rocket.

“The upcoming Ariane-5 flight with GSAT-10 and the Astra 2F satellite as its co-passenger is set for September 21 (early hours of Sept 22 in India) from Spaceport’s ELA-3 launch complex. This will be Arianespace’s fifth mission from French Guiana in 2012 with the heavy-lift workhorse,” an Arianespace statement said.

The Bangalore-headquartered Indian Space Research Organisation said the 3,400-kg satellite, having a minimum operational life of 15 years, would assist aircraft navigation over the Indian airspace and in adjoining areas. It would provide communication services and augment existing ones.

GSAT-10 is a Rs 750-crore mission, including launch services cost.