Ravindra Reddy, founder Chairman of MTAR, which supplies critical indigenously developed systems for India’s space and nuclear programmes, passed away on Thursday at the age of 77.

From a small machine shop in Bala Nagar industrial area of Hyderabad, MTAR grew under his leadership to manufacture rocket engines that powered Mangalyaan (Indian mission to Mars). Over the years, the private company fabricated engines for the PSLV and GSLV launchers, which have put numerous satellites into space.

Ravindra Reddy was driven by a passion to indigenise difficult to get technologies and systems for the country. In the process, the company has developed into an internationally recognised precision machining, and technology development enterprise. Over the decades, the import substitution products saved India's foreign exchange at various critical junctures and also provided impetus for self-reliant technology

The company has also created special facilities to make key components in nuclear power reactors. The Atomic Energy department fully trusted the company as it acquired the capabilities of building a nuclear reactor entirely on its own, a company release said.

His engineering acumen brought him recognition in the form of awards such as Defence Technology Absorption Award from the Prime Minister (in 2004), INS Industrial Excellence award in 2003 from El Baradei, and Chairman of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

A member of the National Academy of Engineers, Ravindra Reddy also served on the Board of Antrix Corporation Ltd under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of India along with industrial luminaries such as Ratan Tata, and Adi Godrej. He was also the Chairman of Rs 1,500 crore Samuha Aerospace Park that is being set up in Hyderabad.