Chickenpox may be a painful childhood memory, and the same virus could surface in adults causing Shingles (herpes zoster). But a vaccine against Shingles is now available in India from GlaxosmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

The vaccine is being imported from its plant in Belgium and will be available at healthcare practitioners and certain specialists like dermatologists, across the country, Bhushan Akshikar, Managing Director with GSK Pharmaceuticals told businessline.

The vaccine adds to GSK’s adult vaccine portfolio and is priced at a “significantly lower price” than in the United States, he said. Two doses of the vaccine in the US is priced at $450.

In fact, the Big B, Amitabh Bachchan has been roped in to spread awareness of Shingles. Caused by the reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox, Shingles is a painful condition in adults. The risk of developing shingles increases as the immune system becomes weaker and incapable of mounting a response, as seen in the elderly, for instance.