It was yet another text book launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C26) carrying the 1,425-kg Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS-1C) from Sriharikota at 1.32 a.m.

The launch of ISRO’s workhorse PSLV was from the first launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota. The 67-hour countdown for the mission commenced at 6.32 a.m. on October 13.

The launch was supposed to be on October 10 but had to be postponed due to technical issues.

The IRNSS-1C was the third satellite (of the total seven) of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System with four more such satellites planned to be launched before 2015.

“It was a very precise launch,” ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan said, while announcing the success of the launch from the mission control room.

ISRO is preparing for first suborbital test flight of GSLV Mark III within 45 days, he said.

PTI reports:

IRNSS-1C is part of the series of seven satellites the ISRO is planning to launch to put in place what is called the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. Today’s launch marked the first time that India has conducted four orbital launches in a year.

Lifting off from the first launch pad of the spaceport exactly at 1.32 a.m., the rocket painted a golden brush of flames in the night sky and 20 minutes later successfully placed the 1,425.4 kg weighing satellite in the intended orbit.

ISRO had aimed to launch the satellite into a sub-Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with a 284 km perigee (nearest point to Earth) and 20,650 km apogee (farthest point to Earth) with an inclination of 17.86 degree with respect to the equatorial plane.

“PSLV C26 has precisely placed IRNSS-1C in its orbit,” ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan said, describing the successful launch.

Position information services

Being developed by India, IRNSS is designed to provide accurate position information service to users in the country as well as the region extending up to 1,500 km from its boundary, which is its primary service area.

The IRNSS system, which would ultimately have seven satellites and ground stations, was targeted to be completed by 2015 at a total cost of Rs 1,420 crore, ISRO sources said.

Present in the Mission Control Room was the Minister of State for Science and Technology, Jitendra Singh, who congratulated the scientists on the successful launch.

“I thank you for making me witness this historic moment.

As India moves forward to become a world leader, I am sure in the 21 century, any leadership role should be based on scientific foundation and I am glad in the area of space we have emerged as world leaders,” he said.

This was the seventh time ISRO was using an XL version of the PSLV rocket for its missions. The mission life of the satellite is 10 years.

The fully deployed IRNSS system would consist of three satellites in geostationary orbit and four in inclined geosynchronous orbit, about 36,000 km altitude above the earth.

The first two satellites in the series — IRNSS-1A and IRNSS-1B were launched in July last year and April this year, respectively.

With GSAT-14 launched in January, IRNSS-1B in April and SPOT-7 in June, today’s was the fourth orbital launch this year.

Types of services

The IRNSS navigational system would provide two types of services — Standard Positioning Service, which is provided to all the users and Restricted Service, which is an encrypted service provided only to the authorised users.

IRNSS’ applications include terrestrial and marine navigation, disaster management, vehicle tracking and fleet management, navigation aide for hikers and travellers, visual and voice navigation for drivers.

While India is developing its navigation system, a select group of countries have their own navigation systems — Russia’s Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), United States’ Global Positioning System (GPS), European Union’s Galileo (GNSS), China’s BeiDou Satellite Navigation System and Japan’s Quasi-Zenith Satellite System.

The ISRO chairman also said GSLV Mark III, one of Indian Space Research Organisation’s biggest projects this year, which would test India’s ability to launch four plus tonne payload, would be launched within the next 45 days.

“After GSLV Mark III launch, we have GSAT 16 launch from French Guyana, which will carry 48 transponders. Next is the launch of IRNSS-1D in December,” he added