Jupiter, the largest after the Sun in the solar system, will be at its biggest and brightest tomorrow night much to the delight of sky-gazers.

The planet, which has a system of rings, is at its closest approach and thus would appear more big and bright than usual, N. Sri Raghunandan Kumar of Planetary Society of India, said.

The planet can be seen with naked eyes an hour after the sunset in the eastern direction tomorrow. It will be visible all through the night and at midnight one can spot it in the southern direction at a higher elevation, he said.

According to him, Jupiter, which has a large number of natural satellites, will be in ‘opposition’ tomorrow night. “A planet is said to be in opposition when it is directly opposite to the Sun from our view from Earth,” he said.

At its opposition, the planet is fully illuminated by the Sun and appears disc-like, he said.

The last opposition of the planet occurred on October 29, 2011 and the next will be January 6, 2014.

The minimum distance of Jupiter from the Earth is approximately 588 million km while its maximum distance is about 967 million km.

Tomorrow, the ring planet will be at 608 million kms, which is very close to its minimum distance from Earth.

“Because of its closeness to Earth, Jupiter will be shinning very bright at —2.8 Magnitude,” Kumar said.