KaleidEO Space Systems, a subsidiary of SatSure Analytics India Pvt Ltd, has announced the launch of its payload, designed to maximize the area coverage while maintaining a higher resolution of the image captured.

The payload is expected to deliver nearly 1-meter ground sampling distance (GSD) while covering a 65 km swath.

This development comes in after it completed the aerial testing of the scaled-down prototype version of the optical EO (earth observation) payload which captured images at 16 centimetres spatial resolution.  

The payload emphasises a ‘Demand First’ approach, unlike the traditional ‘Supply First’ approach. We configured the payload specification to the industry’s need for large-area acquisition and automated analytics at scale, said Arpan Sahoo, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, KaleidEO.

KaleidEO operates as an architect for Earth Observation Infrastructure-as-a-Service (EO-IaaS) acting as a single point of contact for solutions across the EO value chain; hardware, launch, in-orbit operations, data generation, consumption, and insights.