An international conference on ‘Radiation Technologies-Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development’ will be held at Lulu Bolgatty Convention Centre from January 9 to 12.

The conference is organised by the National Association for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry (NAARRI) in association with the Department of Atomic Energy, India, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna.

Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan will inaugurate the conference. KN Vyas, Chairman AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) and Secretary, DAE will preside. Ajith Mohanti, Director BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre); SA Bhardwaj, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board; AK Anand, President NAARRI, PJ Chandy, Secretary; and Vikram Kalia, Convenor will speak in the inaugural session.

The Radiation Technologies conference will feature interactive scientific sessions and workshops on the current advancements in technologies based on radiation and radioisotopes and their crucial role in meeting emerging necessities and supporting sustainable development.

The conference is featuring scientific sessions on the advancements in radiation technologies in many fields including radiation sterilisation, food irradiation, nuclear medicine, radio diagnosis, and radiotherapy, etc.