Manipur Central University, Imphal, will host the 105th Session of the Indian Science Congress during March 18-22, 2018.

A decision to this effect was taken at an emergency meeting of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) in Kolkata on Thursday.

The session was to be held during the traditional January 3-7 dates at Osmania University in Hyderabad. However, it was postponed by the ISCA last week as circumstances in the campus were found not to be conducive to organise the session.

Unanimous decision “The decision to accept Manipur University was unanimous. The Osmania University’s efforts were appreciated, and the ISCA executive committee did not accept the resignation tendered by the General President, Achyuta Samanta, and asked him to continue,” said T Parthasarathy, an EC member from Chemistry Department of OU.

Seven universities came forward to host the Congress including, Manipur, Andhra University, and Lovely University. However, Manipur was chosen because it could produce letters from the Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Minister, Parthasarathy told BusinessLine .

This is only the second time in ISCA’s history that the Congress dates have been deferred. The postponed 101st Session it was held during February 3-7 , 2014 in Jammu University.