Efforts are being made to look for economical and more effectiveoptions for storing electrical energy. Indian researchers are now developing ancost effective Graphene-based supercapacitor that can be used to provide energyto various applications, including state-of-the-art defence applications,mobile devices and smart vehicles.


Supercapacitors, also known as ultra-capacitors are electrochemicaldevices used for the storage of electrical energy, whose popularity is growingrapidly. The activated carbon is an expensive material commonly used to producesuch ultra-capacitors. Newly developed graphene oxide found to be a costalternative material for producing ultra-capacitors, which has reduced itsweight as well as its cost by ten times, say researchers. 


Cost of activated carbon used in other supercapacitors availablein the market is up to Rs 1 lakh per kg. Scientists at the Central MechanicalEngineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur,have developed a new technique for making graphene oxide, which is now beingused to produce new ultra-capacitors.

“Scientists have developed a technique for producing grapheneoxide at CMERI. The production cost of one kilogram of graphene oxide usingthis technique comes to around ten thousand rupees, which is much lesser thanthe cost of activated carbon used in supercapacitors. We have modified thesurface of graphene oxide in our research, due to which it has also succeededin reducing its weight. We have now reached at the advanced stage of makingultra-capacitors by using this graphene oxide which can be useful in varioussectors”, said Dr Naresh Chandra Murmu, a scientist at CMERI. 

Former Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO)official M.H. Rahman said that “such devices not only cater civilianapplications but can be applicable in strategic and defence applications aswell.” Mr. Rahaman also explained that the Graphene-based Ultra-capacitor whichis at the advance stage of development at CSIR-CMERI has the potential to solvethe energy and power requirement in various sectors. He was speaking during anevent held recently at CMERI.

(IndiaScience Wire)

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