Now, new skin for burn victims

Venkatesan R Updated - January 16, 2018 at 03:51 PM.

Advanced imaging to help predict fracture


Researchers have developed a novel method that measures the limit to which human skin can be stretched, which could help grow new skin for burn victims.

“Surgeons use a variety of techniques to grow skin for tissue expansion procedures designed to grow skin in one region of the body so that it can be auto-grafted on to another site (sometimes used for burn victims),” said Guy German, assistant professor at Binghamton University in the US.

“This procedure stretches the skin, typically, by inflating a balloon with air or silicone under the surface,” said German.

Skin topography

“Skin grows more in regions where it is stretched — during pregnancy for instance — but stretch it too much and the tissue might break,” he added.

The outermost layer of skin regulates water loss from the body and protects underlying living tissue from germs and the environment, in general. Researchers found dry skin is brittle and easier to break than hydrated skin.

Scientists also found that cracks in the skin are not straight; instead they follow topographical ridges of skin, which have triangular patterns.

“Most people think skin is smooth and flat just like a Photoshopped advertisement.

“It is not. If you look at the back of your hand, skin has small triangular patterns on it. These shapes are caused by small canyons in the skin.” said German.

Researchers used advanced imaging to track skin deformation and stretching which, combined with the structure of the skin, can help doctors predict fractures.

Published on September 26, 2016 16:13