According to a global analysis, obesity can significantly increase the risk of death from the coronavirus infection by nearly 50 per cent, the BBC reported.

This is due to the fact that other diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure get more pronounced in obese people.

The chance of co-morbidity makes obese people more susceptible to severe Covid-19 cases.

An earlier study by researchers in the US also confirmed that a Covid-19 vaccine may remain ineffective in obese people. The ramifications of Covid-19 worsen in people with high body mass index (BMI), according to the previous report.

The researcher informed that this is also because the flu vaccines do not tend to be effective on people who have a body mass index (BMI) over 30.

The team, from the University of North Carolina, examined data gathered from 75 studies from around the world, including nearly 400,000 patients.

The researchers found that obese people were twice as likely to be hospitalised. They are also 74 per cent more likely to end up in the intensive care unit after getting infected by the virus.

Professor Barry Popkin, from the department of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, who led the similar research said that the increased risks of being obese and having Covid-19 were “much higher than expected,” BBC report added.

He stressed that in times of a pandemic, healthier eating should be the key focus for people. Junk food, processed food, and sugary drinks should be avoided at all costs.