Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance has planned to organise a three-day workshopto ignite scientific curiosity in young doctors, while promoting in them anunderstanding of the frontiers of medicine and related sciences. 

It will provide training inquantitative methods and research methodology, and offer an opportunity toyoung clinicians to discuss the relevance of biomedical research and careeroptions. 

Called `Developing Indian PhysicianScientists’ workshop, the programme will be held at Council of Scientific andIndustrial Research’s Delhi-based -Institute of Genomics and IntegrativeBiology from February 21 to 23. Eminent physician-scientists will make upfaculty.

The programme will be open to MBBS andMD students training in any medical institution in the country. The candidateswould be required to pay a refundable advance of Rs. 2,500 (for MBBS students)or Rs 5,000 (for MD students) which will be refunded after the workshop tothose who attended it in full. They will be provided with accommodation andfood free of cost. They will, however, have to make their own travel arrangements. 


The deadline for registration isJanuary 1. The candidates will be selected on January 15 and they will be giventime till February 1 to confirm their participation by submitting proof ofpayment of advance for course materials. 


At the time of registration, interestedcandidates will have to submit a short write-up on why they wish to attend theworkshop or what way they expect it to be helpful to them. The write up willhave to be fewer than 1,500 characters. Besides, they will need to submit ashort write -up on a recent scientific publication that they had enjoyedreading explaining why they liked it. This would also have to be not more thanin 1500 characters. Further, they will have to give the names and emailaddresses of two teachers who can provide information about them. 

The programme is being organised byProf. Rakesh Aggarwal of Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education& Research, Puducherry, and Dr. Anurag Agrawal of IGIB.


Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance is an initiative funded equallyby UK-based Wellcome Trust, and Department of Biotechnology in the UnionMinistry of Science and Technology. It is aimed at promoting basic biomedical,clinical and public health research in India through funding and engagement.

(IndiaScience Wire)

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