Film director, actor and producer Shekhar Kapur has launched a new documentary titled ‘The Science of Compassion’ on spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma).

The nearly 50-minute film was shot at Amma’s ashram in Kollam district of Kerala over four days, during her 60th birthday celebrations in September 2013.

Kapur investigates the source of human compassion and creativity. It includes a private interview with Amma, as well as with Nobel Prize-winning scientist Leland Hartwell.

Kapur said, “The search for what lies beyond our own individuality has been with me since I was 15 years of age. I have been grappling with questions like, what is the true nature of love? Is there love beyond ownership? What is compassion? Is it something you do or is it a state of mind or a state of being? It is not only a spiritual search for me, but a scientific quest too. Meeting Amma on her 60th birthday was a huge opportunity for me to investigate these deeper truths. I ask her the same questions in the documentary.”

Kapur notes, “Spirituality is not about miracles and drama, but about experiencing subtle and incremental changes through which you evolve. I have not remained unaffected by Amma’s message of love and compassion. The more I realise how incredibly loving and compassionate she is, the more it changes me subtly and incrementally.”

Swami Amritaswarupananda, Vice-Chairman, Mata Amritanandamayi Math and Amma’s senior-most disciple, said, “‘The Science of Compassion’ was able to capture Amma's unique combination of beauty, grace, humility and wisdom.”