The general strike entered the second day in Kerala with most services and establishments extending their layoff from work for another day.

The IT nerve centre of Technopark here is functioning normally after a fleet of buses running in convoy entered its premises safely in the morning.

The fleet of four buses operated from three pre-determined points in the suburbs and picked up staff of various companies along the way.

This was unlike the previous day when a bus owned by Infosys was stoned by stray bike riders, who remain still at large.

There was no untoward incident this morning, M. Vasudevan, Senior Manager, Business Development, Technopark, told Business Line.

“The police have extended us total support. So we don’t find an issue carrying on with our routine work,” he said.

Earlier, >the capital city also witnessed protests by a group of people demanding that the Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation-owned fuel stations resume supplies.

They forced the local authorities to open one, and start dispensing, sources said.

In Kochi, shooting for a film has had to be stopped after trade union activists forced themselves in and demanded the crew to pack up this morning. But there have been reports of unrest reaching here from other parts of the State.
