Defence Minister A.K. Antony’s statement on Tuesday that “terrorists along with persons dressed in Pakistan Army uniforms” were behind the killing of Indian soldiers has upset the Congress’s plans to buy peace with the Opposition.

The principal Opposition party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which was silent in the House in the first two days, stormed into the well on Wednesday demanding an apology from Antony for giving the Pakistan Army the benefit of doubt.

Bills held up

Important Bills, such as the Companies Bill, which were listed for discussion on Wednesday, could not be taken up, as the Opposition did not allow the House to function.

Food Minister K.V. Thomas, meanwhile, introduced the amended version of the Food Security Bill in Parliament. The Opposition, however, is unlikely to allow a discussion on the Bill unless Antony retracts his statement. Making her party’s intention clear, Opposition leader Sushma Swaraj said border security was more important than food security.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made efforts to convince the BJP leadership that Antony did not give a clean chit to the Pakistan Army. He held discussions with the Opposition leaders of both the Houses and senior BJP leader, L.K. Advani, on the issue. The BJP, however, stuck to its demand that Antony should retract his statement.

Under pressure from the BJP, Antony is likely to make a fresh statement on Thursday. Antony told Rajya Sabha that the Army Chief General, Bikram Singh, was visiting the area and the Government would share more details with Parliament once he was back in New Delhi. Both the Houses witnessed repeated disruptions on the issue.

‘No compromise’

The Congress accused the BJP of politicising the situation. “Whatever information the Minister had, was shared with the House. There is no compromise against any kind of attack against the country,” Congress spokesperson, P.C Chacko, said.
