The Congress is all set to take up the cause of writers, film-makers and historians who are protesting against the growing trend of “intolerance” in the country.

Party President Sonia Gandhi met President Pranab Mukherjee on Monday and expressed concern over the “approach” of senior Ministers towards the protest by artists and academics. Party MPs and leaders will also meet the President to urge him to direct the Centre to rein in Hindutva elements.

Meanwhile, the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, a think-tank supported by the Congress, is organising a conference of intellectuals on theme, No Peace Without Freedom; No Freedom Without Peace – Securing Nehru’s Vision and India’s Future: Agenda For Action ’.

“The goal of the conference is to develop an agenda for action, for securing and strengthening the cornerstone values of the Indian Republic laid down by Nehru in his Objectives Resolution of the Constituent Assembly (freedom, equality, democracy, secularism and justice – social, economic and political). The conference convenes at a time when regressive forces have launched an unprecedented attack on the liberal, progressive, social democratic idea of India, as well as on the unity, integrity and social harmony of the nation and on our rights and freedoms,” a Congress statement said.

The conference will be inaugurated by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi, historians Irfan Habib, Romila Thapar, and Mukul Kesavan, academics Gopal Guru, Ram Puniyani and Kancha Ilaiah and several other activists will address the programme.

‘Congress behind protests’ The BJP said it was obvious that the Congress, “that thrives on hate and divisive politics”, would back the protestors. “Right from the beginning, the Congress has been encouraging fissiparous and divisive forces aligned with fundamental outfits as a part of their vote-bank politics,” Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu said. “These people who thrusted one view on the country all these years are not ready to tolerate others emerging now. When such individuals have to make way for others, it is not palatable for them,” he added.