Indian men’s hockey team captain Sardar Singh says his players are “all geared up” and waiting for the World Cup to start to start at the The Hague, Netherlands. The team arrived here yesterday and the skipper said conditions here are ideal.

“There is a lot of excitement in the air here. I am feeling proud that I will be representing the country for the second time in a big tournament and we as a unit will put our best efforts and give a tough fight to the opponents,” Sardar said.

“Our first match is with Belgium and we are fully geared up for it. We will stick to our strategies and planning put in place by the coaches. I can just say that all the boys are fully motivated and confident of doing well in the tournament,” he added. The team had a light recovery session on reaching the venue.

Chief coach Terry Walsh said, “We had a light recovery session after arrival here. The boys are in good spirits and have quickly settled into familiar surroundings here in The Hague.”