The Secretariat for the 35th National Games, Kerala, has invited tenders to develop apps for sports enthusiasts.

Organisers have in mind a ‘games information app’ and a ‘virtual torch’ to supply news and updates at the touch of the screen.

The games information app will provide live results, venue details, events and medal tally, among others. It is proposed to be made available in the Android version from January onwards.

Sports lovers can download/install this app free of cost, according to organisers.

The secretariat is planning a worldwide release of the app. It will get updated in sync with the official website It will also launch an SMS alert facility.

A ‘virtual torch app’ is also being developed. It will be available for download from Playstore from December 12.

Meanwhile, the 35{+t}{+h} edition of the games has gone viral in cyberspace with its Facebook page gathering more than 90,000 ‘likes’ already. Organisers expect that its apps too will be a huge draw with sports lovers.