The Taliban on Saturday described the Pakistani cricket team’s tour of India as a “disgusting gesture” and held out the threats of violence against India.

In a statement emailed to journalists, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan said the “visit of Pakistani team to India is a disgusting gesture. Pakistan’s government is doing all this on the orders of their god America and in fear of India“.

He held out a threat of violence against India.

“God willing, mujahideen of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan will soon clear the debt of blood of martyrs with India“.

In the statement titled ‘Forgetting the blood of Kashmiris?’, Ihsan said the Pakistani cricket team is visiting at a time when “India is the one forbidding Kashmiri Muslim nation to freedom“.

Ihsan further claimed that “they (India) are also due to pay for the blood of our hero, Shaheed Ajmal Qasab“.

The Pakistani Taliban had last month threatened to target Indians in retaliation for the execution of Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving Pakistani terrorist involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.