The AITA today outrightly rejected the rebel players’ fresh demands, saying their inclusion in the Executive or Selection Committees is not possible unless they enter the national federation through elections.

AITA also categorically said the three-member committee it has formed to resolve the ongoing crisis would go ahead with its work and if players make themselves available, they will be considered for selection.

Somdev Devvarman, who is leading the players’ revolt, has gone a step further by asking the national federation to re-constitute its Executive and Selection Committees by having 50 per cent players representation in the two bodies.

The AITA had acceded to most of the earlier demands put forward by them such as increased share in Davis Cup prize money, business class airfare, change in support staff apart from agreeing to consult the players while choosing the surface and the venue for the home ties.

“We want to resolve it honestly but I think the players have agreed to only disagree. Some people are playing petty politics from outside and in the process they are jeopardising the careers of several players,” AITA CEO Hirnomoy Chatterjee said.

“They have very little knowledge of how the federation is formed and how it works. If they want to come into AITA and make changes, they are welcome but first they need to get elected in a state association, which would then nominate them to the national body. How can they think of coming directly?” he asked.

“It is like holding the country to ransom. They are destroying the careers of young players.”