The Army will provide all help to promote Olympic silver medalist Vijay Kumar as an officer in the force, Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh said here today.

The announcement was made by the Army Chief here soon after Vijay Kumar was made a Subedar Major.

“This commission (to the grade of officer) has to be granted by the President and certain rules have to be followed. We will provide all help to him as he is very capable ... he talks in English and is very educated and has the capabilities to become an officer. We will further strengthen his capabilities to make him a commissioned officer,” he said.

Gen Singh was talking to presspersons on the sidelines of a function to felicitate 14 Olympians belonging to the Army.

Addressing the gathering, he said under the existing policy, two promotions have been given to the ace shooter.

Meanwhile, Vijay Kumar said he felt that “justice has been done to him” with the cash award of Rs 30 lakh and promotion to the rank of Subedar Major.

“I can say yes. For the last four last years I was waiting for my incentives. This promotion was due last year and I have got it now. Now, I can say yes,” he said, when asked if justice has been done to him.

Vijay Kumar, however, denied that he had ever said anything about quitting the Army. “I have not said that I will leave the Army. It was the work of some mediaperson who had misquoted me. I had just said that if the Central Government has provision for promotions, then the Defence Ministry should do so,” he said.

The Olympian said, “There were certain things due to me which have now been given. My promotion to the rank of Subedar Major was due last year. The Army Chief has assured me that he will take steps to give me a commissioned rank and action will start in a few days.”

On the allegation that Army personnel had produced fake certificates of having participated in the National Games for promotions, Gen Singh said, “I am going into it. Let me assure you that if anyone is found doing anything wrong, they will not be spared. We are going to institute measures for having checks and balances to prevent these things,” he said.