Facing flak for its “unacceptable, incompetent and amateurish” performance, a security company contracted to provide personnel for the London Olympics today admitted that its failure to meet its obligations has turned the situation into “humiliating shambles.”

In a televised grilling before the Home Affairs Select Committee, Mr Nick Buckles, Chairman of security company G4S said he would not disagree with committee member Labour MP Mr David Winnick, who described the situation as a “humiliating shambles.”

Mr Keith Vaz, Chairman of the committee, concluded the 90-minute session with Mr Buckles by describing the company performance as “unacceptable, incompetent and amateurish.”

The British government has had to deploy 3,500 troops — including some returned from frontline duty on Afghanistan — because of the company’s failure to provide the required number of security personnel for the Olympics.

The inability of the company to deliver is widely seen as a national embarrassment for Britain on the eve of the mega sporting event beginning July 27.

There are demands that instead of handing over the security to a private company, the army and police should have been entrusted the task in the first place.

The Olympics contract with G4S is worth 280 million pounds.

It stands to lose up to 50 million pounds after being unable to provide the staff it had been contracted to deliver.

There were several reports of less number of G4S people turning up to man security posts.

G4S also handles 600 million pounds worth of prison and other security contracts for the Home Office.

Mr Buckles said he had now decided not to bid for the security contract for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in 2014.