Reliance Life Insurance Company has signed up to support Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary, one of the greatest fans of master blaster Sachin Tendulkar.

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Reliance Life will offer financial aid to Sudhir to help him continue his passion of loving the sport.

New campaign

This private life insurer has also launched a new campaign with Sudhir with a view to supporting this big fan.

The campaign is also aimed to give out a larger message that retirement is definitive and needs to be properly planned, Anup Rau, Chief Executive Officer, Reliance Life Insurance, said.

Sudhir, who hails from Muzaffarpur in Bihar, continues his passion for the game on public support without any permanent job.

He sometimes pedals his way to cricket playing venues, as he did to Bangladesh to witness a cricket match in 2007.

He has also cycled to Lahore, Pakistan, in 2006 to watch a match. Sudhir often stays with friends and makes ends meet only to get to the next match.

Sudhir is usually seen with his body painted in the tri-colour, waving our national flag and blowing the conch shell during cricket matches as part of his love for cricket and Sachin Tendulkar.

“We are really excited to encourage Sudhir to pursue his passion of cheering the cricket team and intend to back him right up to the World Cup and beyond.

As a company engaged in planning for people's retirement, we are concerned about this ardent fan who has let his passion take over his life. With this in mind, we decided to secure Sudhir’s future financially and help the ultimate devotee ride his passion for cricket, even after his raison d'etre retires,” Rau said.

Sudhir left his permanent job in a dairy firm at Muzaffarpur in 2006 to pursue his passion for cheering the cricket team on public support.

“I would continue to cheer for India after my god’s retirement for as long as I live. I am thankful to the cricket loving people who have helped me watch almost all matches at home turf and some on foreign soil since the year 2000.

I would like to thank Reliance Life for their support towards my love for the game, my passion and future,” said Sudhir.

Retirement is definitive

Reliance Life Insurance, which offers a range of retirement solutions, is also inviting people to show their support towards Sudhir on their Facebook page and through sms.

“For us, Sudhir is an embodiment of everything that comes in the way of planning for one's future. By showing this concern and actually securing his future with a regular income, we intend to demonstrate to people at large that retirement is definitive and needs planning before it becomes a shock,’’ Rau added.