Investigators today seized Rs 20 lakh stacked in a cricket kit kept in the house of a relative of arrested cricketer Ajit Chandila whose voice samples along with that of two bookies were taken to match with tapped conversations in the IPL spot-fixing scandal.

On a day of fresh developments, a domestic cricketer was detained for questioning and Rajasthan Royals lodged a complaint with Delhi Police against its three players — Chandila, Sreesanth and Ankit Chavan — accusing them of cheating and other charges.

Two persons, who watched the Rajasthan Royals matches in Chandhigarh and Mumbai, also approached Police with complaints of cheating while voice samples of Chandila and bookies Manan and Jiju Janardhan, a close friend of Sreesanth, were taken at the CFSL located in Outer Delhi’s Rohini.

BCCI’s anti-corruption unit chief Ravi Sawani, who has been asked to head the probe in spot-fixing by the cricketing body, held a meeting with Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar and other top officials and offered all help.

Police sources said Ranji player Babu Rao Yadav, who was in Railways team, was picked up for questioning from Delhi earlier in the day. “He is being questioned. It was he who allegedly arranged a meeting with Chandila and bookie Sunil Bhatia, who are already arrested.

“Yadav figured in the tapped conversations. He will be arrested if we find he is involved in it,” a senior police official said.

Seventeen people — three IPL players, two former players and 12 bookies-cum-fixers — were arrested since last Thursday in connection with the case which rocked the cricketing world.

Investigators also took Chandila to his aunt’s house in Palwal in Haryana from where they recovered Rs 20 lakh from a cricket kit which also contained his personal belongings.