Union Minister for Labour and Employment Bandaru Dattatraya has urged to all the Chief Ministers and Lieutenant Governors to ensure compliance regarding social security coverage of outsourced staff working in the Government departments, Public Sector Undertakings, State Cooperatives and other bodies.

He directed States to convene a meeting of all the Departments and other Public Sector Institutions to ensure that every employee gets social security benefits.

The State administration may associate Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner-in-charge of the State in this regard, the Minister added.

In a letter addressed to all the CMs and LGs, the Minister said National Human Rights Commission was also monitoring the implementation as the social security is considered as a human right of an individual.

It has been observed that various Departments, PSUs, State Cooperatives and other State run bodies are increasingly employing a large number of staff on outsourcing basis. The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation has reported that a significant number of such employees are not getting any social security benefits. This is violation of the social security rights of such employees, the Minister added.

The Centre has enhanced the National Floor Level Minimum Wage Rs 137 To Rs 160 per day with effect from July 1, 2015.