Sangh Parivar-led trade union BMS has decided to support the one-day token strike on November 28 called by Opposition trade unions in the oil sector. BMS general secretary Virjesh Upadhyay said in a statement that his organisation will oppose the Centre's recent decision to privatise the Central Public Sector undertakings such as BPCL, Shipping Corporation and CONCOR.

"These all CPSUs pay huge amount of taxes, duties and dividend to the Government. We are of the strong opinion that the CPSUs are the backbone of our economy. CPSUs should be given free hand to perform to strengthen the economy. The sale, disinvestment and privatise the CPSUs is not in the interest of workers, industry and the Nation as well," he said.

He added that the BMS will extend its full support to BPCL workers decision to launch one-day token strike on November 28.

“BMS National Office Bearers meeting is scheduled to be held from December 11 to 13, 2019 at Haridwar in which a further course of action against privatisation of PSUs will be chalked out. The BMS urge upon the Government to rethink and reverse the decision on privatesation," the statement said.