The employees of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) who have been on a strike have threatened to organise a ‘Million March’ (a mass protest) to intensify their agitation in the next few days.

“We will consider holding Million March to press for our demands,” Ashwathama Reddy, the Chairman of Joint Action Committee of TSRTC, said.

This was seconded by Kodandaram, who led the movement for separate Telangana as the Chairman of Political JAC. The Million March, held in 2011 on the Necklace Road here, galvanised public support to the movement.

The RTC employees, who played a major role in the Telangana movement as they led the Sakala Janula Samme (General Strike), have now decided to organise a similar agitation.

This was announced at a huge public meeting held at the Saroornagar Indoor Stadium on Wednesday. After the police refused permission to the meeting, the JAC approached the High Court which directed the police to let them hold the public meeting.

The staff, who turned up from different parts of the State, paid tributes to 15 of their colleagues who died after the strike started on October 5.

Addressing the gathering, Kodandaram said that the RTC suffered revenue losses as ticket prices were not revised for years. “They were fixed when the price of diesel was at ₹45 a litre. The tariff remains the same even after the diesel price is ruling at ₹72,” he said.

Politidal leaders from the Congress, CPI, CPM, Congress, BJP, Telugu Desam Party, Jana Sena and Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi expressed their solidarity with the striking employees.