Women in urban centres should help ensure government policies meant for women empowerment reach rural areas, felt Madras High Court judge Anitha Sumanth.

“Actually, there are well-intentioned government schemes and policies. But we lack the mechanisms or the will to put them into practice at the grassroots level,” she said at the Women Managers Convention 2017 of Madras Management Association.

“Women in urban centres have the infrastructure, resources and, most importantly, the confidence to claim that they are empowered. But, this facility doesn’t extend pan-India,” said, adding: “Only 30 per cent of the women in India are in the urban centres. We must bear it in mind that for every self-assured woman, there are 10 who languish simply for lack of infrastructure, resources and confidence.” “Millennial women are well-connected as collaboration and networking comes naturally to them or those qualities are part of them. They have that organically inbuilt into them,” said Aarthi Subramanian, Executive Director, Global Head – Delivery Excellence, Governance, Compliance, Tata Consultancy Services. She urged young women to lay a strong foundation in the beginning of their career.

She also urged the women managers to aspire not just for themselves, but also for their team members.

“Create confidence in your team members and enable them in ways that one can really create a very committed and passionate team which can actually make big things happen,” she added.