Resolving disputes in order to fast track nearly 50 stalled road projects, a new fixed toll policy for all highway projects, and e-governance technology, especially for tendering process, are top on the Road Ministry’s agenda.

Assuming office here on Thursday, Nitin Gadkari, the new Minister for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping, urged officials to take quick decisions either way. “Any delay in signing of files will not be tolerated,” he said.

Gadkari said, to bring down construction and maintenance costs, the Roads Secretary has been asked to undertake a comparative study of tar and concrete cement roads. “After the study, we will decide on what kind of roads should be built to cut down on capital costs and maintenance.”

He said the Ministry would give special priority to building roads in the North-East and Jammu & Kashmir, especially Ladakh. On roads being built by the Border Roads Organisation in Naxal-hit areas, Gadkari said his Ministry would conduct a project–wise study. “Both delay and cost escalation costs will be assessed and accordingly these projects will be terminated or continued,” he added.

Motor vehicles To bring down the country’s fuel import bill as well control rising vehicular pollution, the Ministry would consider promoting vehicles with E85 ethanol-friendly engines.

“I have already had a talk with Ram Vilas Paswan (Food & Consumer Affair Minister). We will also discuss the issue with the Oil Minister to see if indigenous ethanol can be used as per international norms being followed by countries such as Brazil, Canada and the US,” he said.

Gadkari said talks were on with the World Bank to develop inland waterways to transport cargo, which will once again save fuel and pollution.

The Minister said promoting religious tourism on the banks of river Ganga was top priority for the Narendra Modi Government. “Apart from building temples and sound and light shows on the banks of river Ganga, terminals and barrages will also be built to generate power. My department will be involved in dredging work and recycling of river water,” he said, adding that his Ministry would hold a meeting with the Ministers of Tourism, Power and Water Resources in the next two days to chalk out a plan.