Former Tehelka Editor Tarun Tejpal, facing charges of sexually assaulting a woman journalist, was today taken to Goa Medical College Hospital for mandatory sexual potency test by the Police.

Police sources said this was mandatory in a case of sexual assault.

50-year-old Tejpal was yesterday remanded in six-day Police custody by a court here after which Crime Branch officials grilled him for over five hours.

The sources said later a court will hear whether he can be provided with a fan while in Police custody.

A woman journalist, who was employed with Tehelka, had accused Tejpal of sexually assaulting her twice on November 7 and 8 in a lift in a five-star hotel in Goa.

He has been booked under Sections 354A (outraging the modesty of a woman) and 376 (2)(K) (custodial rape) of IPC.