The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam's faction of the AIADMK received a further boost with the School Education Minister K Pandiarajan and C Ponnaiyan, a former minister and senior leader of the ruling party joining him today.

Pandiarajan is first of the Cabinet of Ministers to shift loyalties from the ruling party's General Secretary VK Sasikala who is making a bid for the post of chief minister.

Addressing party cadres thronging the chief minister's residence, Pandiarajan said he had made the move respecting popular sentiment of the AIADMK cadres and voters. Many of the MLAs and Ministers with Sasikala are keen on joining Panneerselvam and strengthen the unity of AIADMK, he said.

The official residence of the chief minister wears a carnival atmosphere as a continuous stream of hundreds of supporters pour in through the day. Fire crackers went off and the crowds cheered as Pandiarajan came in around 1.00 pm.

Panneerselvam welcomed Pandiarajan as a valuable ally who represents the views of the youth and a broad segment of the public.

Later in the day C Ponnaiyan, a senior member of the AIADMK also joined the Panneerselvam camp.

The political scene in Tamil Nadu has been in turmoil over the last one week after Sasikala was unanimously elected the leader of the AIADMK legislature party on February 5. After immediately submitting his resignation, which was accepted by the Governor Vidyasagar Rao, the Panneerselvam changed tack on Tuesday and stated he had been coerced into resigning and wished to withdraw his resignation. Meanwhile, he continues as caretaker chief minister.

Sasikala who has staked claim to the post of chief minister is waiting for word from the Governor’s office on her appointment. But Rao has been silent over the last one week resulting in suspense over who the next chief minister could be.

A factor in this issue is a Supreme Court verdict that Sasikala faces on a corruption charge. This verdict is imminent and could have an impact on her assuming office.

Sasikala writes to Governor

Sasikala has sought an appointment with Governor Rao to meet him along with the MLAs who support her. It has been a week since Panneerselvam had resigned.

Sasikala claims the support of about 130 MLAs of the total 134 in the ruling party. But half a dozen legislators have moved to Panneerselvam’s faction. He claims that the legislators will express their support for him on the floor of the House.