The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has proposed an increase in the Solar Energy Purchase Obligation (SPO) from 0.5 per cent to a minimum of 2 per cent for the next two years, limited for the time being to distribution licensees like TANGEDCO.

The regulatory body has also made it applicable to open access consumers and captive consumers (those generating and consuming their own energy) but this would have to await the Madras High Court decision as such consumers have secured a stay against the Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation (RPO).

D. Balasundaram, President, Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers’ Association (TECA), Coimbatore, in a statement said the TNERC had proposed a draft amendment to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation) Regulations, 2010. This seeks to increase the SPO from 0.5 per cent to a minimum of 2 per cent for 2014-15 and 2015-16. He said for the time being this would be applicable only to the distribution licensee (TANGEDCO).

He said this was also applicable to open access consumers and captive consumers (those having captive generation capacity for their own use). However, as these obligated consumers had got a stay in the Madras High Court against the RPO, the application of the rule depended on the court outcome.

He said TNERC’s earlier decision to impose purchase of 6 per cent solar energy was struck down by the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) last month in which case TECA was an appellant. TECA had argued that RPO could be imposed only on obligated consumers and the proposed amendment by TNERC “endorses TECA’s contention”. If this was carried out, only TANGEDCO would have to follow it, for the time being at least.

He said any comments/objections with regard to the proposed amendment should be submitted to TNERC before February 24.