With business and economic environment across India and abroad currently witnessing the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) effect, building resilience is a critical aspect for the workforce to survive and succeed in the harsh corporate world, said Kishore Alva, President, BCIC.

“Of late, cut-throat competition, mergers and acquisitions, growing risk of entrepreneurship and demanding top and bottom line growth are all mounting pressures on employees,” Alva said while addressing a workshop on ‘Resilience Building’. The event was organised by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC).

He said, “Targets not being met resulting in redundancies for no fault of employees and cost cutting is driving replacements of high salary individuals with younger professionals. All these are now becoming a norm of the day in the corporate world.”

According to Alva, learning to deal with stressful situations is important. “Being resilient does not mean being resistant to stress, but it does mean adapting to and coping with stressful situations. It can be acquired through learned behaviours, thoughts and actions. Those who can bounce back by building resilience are able to survive and succeed. Those who can’t, may struggle and perish.”

Bouncing back

Jayesh Chakravarthy, Director, Lead Theatre, in his address said, “ ‘Being Resilient’ simply means that when life throws a lot of trauma and tribulations at regular intervals, the person should be able to bounce back to life like a rubber ball and at that too at the shortest possible timeframe. If that trait is embedded into the individual then, it will be a joyous work-life experience for the individual.”

Research has shown that skills to bounce back can be developed over a period of time. By building resilience, leaders can help colleagues deal with stress while minimising the impact on their workplace, mental and physical well-being.

N Ahmedali, Past President, BCIC and MD, Cornucopia, said “People who build resilience are the ones who are most successful in the workplace, especially in the sales and marketing streams.”