Former United States President Donald Trump is planning to return to social media by launching his own platform after being suspended from platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, one of Trump’s senior advisors told Fox News on Sunday.

“I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform,” said Trump senior adviser Jason Miller on Fox News’ “#MediaBuzz” on Sunday as quoted by a Fox News report.

The senior advisor did not provide much details about the plans but said that Trump had been in discussions regarding his own platform and that many companies had approached him regarding the same.

Multiple social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat had taken action against Trump’s account after the US Capitol Hill riots in January.

YouTube had temporarily suspended Trump’s channel while Facebook and Twitter had extended the ban indefinitely.

The former US PResident had previously talked about his plans to launch his own platform soon after suspension.

Trump had lashed out at Twitter after the social media platform suspended his personal account indefinitely.

Following the suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account on Twitter, Trump in a series of tweets posted from the official @POTUS (President of the United States) Twitter account criticised the platform, accusing it of “banning free speech.”

“We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future,” he tweeted from the @POTUS account as quoted by the Verge.

The tweets were later deleted by Twitter.

The YouTube channel of former US President Donald Trump will be reinstated once the risk of violence decreases, confirmed YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki in an interview with think tank Atlantic Council (via The Verge) earlier this month.

The ban on Facebook is being reviewed by the Facebook Oversight Board. Twitter has called for public input for the development of its policy framework for world leaders on the platform.