A major concern facing business houses nowadays is employee dissatisfaction. Though employers tend to enhance the content of jobs, offering flexible hours, ensuring training facilities, most of the measures to are intended to benefit the business. Human resource (HR) personnel say there are many factors that play a key role in building an engaged workforce.

Getting employees to trust in the organisation goals is a main factor that determines employee satisfaction, according to TS Krishnakumar, COO, Quess Corp, a hiring and recruitment firm. Agreeing, Vipul Singh, Vice-President and Head of HR, ADP India, a human capital management firm, says, “A work environment built on trust and transparency is the pillar for engagement, which enables employees to believe in the organisation and take pride to be a part of it,” Singh said, adding, satisfaction was a relative term, “and quite often interchangeably used for engagement.”

The solution for corporates is to pick the right leaders. Stating how crucial it is at every level, Singh pointed out: “It is said that people don’t leave jobs, they leave their managers. Extensive leadership capability development programmes to groom leaders, and having a diverse leadership team can immensely help employees remain rooted to their jobs.”

Quess’ Krishnakumar said that employee dissatisfaction leads to attrition. “The ability of the organisation to further individual career ambitions, demonstrated professionalism, and opportunities to create impact are some of the main factors that determine employee satisfaction,” he said.

He added, HR initiatives that cater to “fundamental areas of cultivating innovation, allowing creativity to flourish and furthering the overall career development of an individual”, would always be the ones that would prompt employees to stay back.